Friday, December 31, 2010

Face Charts

I was always complimented on how well I did face charts,and people would always ask how I did them. Some day when I have time I will post a how to video, there are some good videos out there that show the basics, I'd like to go more in depth. good/bad idea? do you want to see that?

Face charts are a really great tool, lately I have been doing them before every shoot, just to get an idea of where I wanna go with the makeup and what colors and products to use. It's also a much easier way to convey your idea's to the team, and you will look that much more professional and prepared.

This face is a combination of 2 that I did for a shoot, once I saw the clothes and model this combination worked out much better.

They are a jump off point and never translated literally, sometimes but not to often.

Here is another from the same shoot this is the full face for the lips on the bottom of the other chart.

I have used millions of different charts over the years, I've made my own. I find MAC's to be the easiest to work with and the face is so nondescript you can transform it to anything. and make just about any face shape.
like in these examples:

I always use real makeup on my charts, how else are you gonna know what it looks like or how the colors will perform. Also if you are using real makeup the paper should be water color paper, this is why the MAC ones work so well, they are made of water color paper. If you wanted to make your own just go to a craft or art store and pick some up, trace a face out of a magazine and Viola, instant face chart. The reason for the water color paper is it hold the products better, creamy products don't seep into the paper and you can blend a lot easier.

Also don't expect your first chart to be amazing, mine certainly wasn't. There is a definite learning curve. Just play and be creative.

1 comment:

Ian said...

I really appreciate this post and the direction you take with your blog, it's unique! I really look forward to your how-to video because your entries are helpful so a video will be above and beyond. I used to also look at the previous incarnation of your blog so please keep this all up, people are following. THANK YOU!